John Hsu
My Activism and Other Activities
Making connections and working in the community
Friday 8/23 Tabling in HP
Tabling in Highland Park farmer's market. Talked about the Green New Deal, the DNC voting noon a presidential climate debate and the September 20th climate strike.
Thursday 8/15 Frank Pallone town hall
Frank Pallone town hall in Metuchen high school. I asked "You will support a cliamte debate by asking NJ DNC voters such as George Norcross, John Currie and Peg Schaffer?"
He answered "Part of the problem and I hope it is changing, part of the problem historically with environemntal issues... everyone says they are environmentalists, everyone wants to address the environment but if you ask them if they are going to vote that way... they generally don't... I'm not saying you shouldn't talk about enviornment in catastrophic terms but in my experience with Republicans is you have to win over some of these people and they don't even want to hear it's human induced...
And that's why we can't seriously tackle climate catastrophe. -
Saturday 5/18 Bernie Rally
Today was the first Bernie Sanders rally organized by New Jersey's Our Revolution. It was great to catch up and meet fellow Bernie supporters. There was a representative from Our Revolution national and someone asked her if Bernie would run in the same line with a progressive slate. NJ has a unique primary ballot where there is a line of candidates that run together as a team and they form a line straight down the ballot. People typically vote down that line because they think they have their act together. It's almost like our choice is made for us. A full line that is running against the other full line will make Bernie look more organized which should bring more votes his way and perhaps get some progressive candidates into office that will support his agenda. This will be crucial for 2020.
Monday 5/13 DC Last Road to the Green New Deal Town Hall
The last Road to the Green New Deal Town Hall organized by The Sunrise Movement was amazing. I purchased tickets weeks ago but to my surprise, I found out Bernie and AOC were going to be there. Needless to say I was excited to see Bernie and AOC in person for the first time. They did not disappoint. AOC's best line was we would be confronting "conservatives on both sides of the aisle." However, in my opinion, Ed Markey gave the best speech of the night. He may have had the most continuous cheers of the night. Naomi Klein was also there. She talked briefly before her Green New Deal video appeared on the screen. Such a great night. I'm hyped to put in the work to get the Green New Deal passed!
Wed 4/26 NYC Road to the Green New Deal Town Hall
Attended Green New Deal NYC at 32BJ SEIU. I traveled to New York by myself, not knowing what to expect. After getting off the train in Penn Station, I walked in the rain down a familiar street. This was the same street I walked on my way to my basketball league games. As silly as it was, my mentality walking down that street was that of a person going to battle. It was a way to get myself ready for competition. In this night's case as I walked alone, I reminded myself that I was fighting with all my strength, almost all my free time, a large amount of my resources, all for a livable future in the face of climate catastrophe. More of the story here: Instagram Post
Wed 4/17
Attended What is Princeton doing to be climate resilient? Asked Sustainable Princeton and The Watershed Institue to come table at ETS.
Tue 4/16 - Green New Deal Town Halls
- Organized the Green New Deal Town Hall with Students for Environmental Awareness and RU Progressive.
- Found 3 of our 4 speakers.
- Put up flyers.
Tue 4/16 - Frank Pallone Town Hall
- Came up with plan to visit Pallone's town hall after our town hall.
- Witnessed students from the Green New Deal Town Hall ask Pallone to support the Green New Deal.
- Witnessed Pallone once again turn down the Green New Deal.
- Was told no video recordings allowed.
Mon & Tues 4/15 & 4/16
Voter drive in Woodbridge HS and Old Bridge High School. I did not talk about my candidacy but I had fun meeting and talking to people from the League of Woman Voters and Central Jersey Indivisble. The students can be fun to interact with as well.