John Hsu

2020 Plans
I would like to thank everyone who supported my congressional campaign in New Jersey's 6th congressional district. I have decided that in order to bring about the progressive change that our country desperately needs, it would be more strategic to focus on getting Bernie Sanders elected president. Having a few other progressive challengers in my district made this decision easier. We are going to battle against powerful corporate interests that cannot be defeated without an army of grassroots volunteers of people like yourself. Come join me and our political revolution.
The Issues
Green New Deal
According to the latest report from the UN IPCC, we have 11 years to reduce carbon emissions by 50% in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change. The Green New Deal (GND) does not call for an end to planes or cows. It sets forth the big hairy audacious goal of drastically reducing emissions to keep us below the important 2 degree threshold set forth in the IPCC report. It calls for good union jobs with good middle class wages. It calls for environmental justice. It calls for medicare for all to facilitate the smooth transition from fossil fuel burning jobs to green jobs.
Medicare for all
- 45,000 Americns die each year from lack of healthcare.
- 530,000 Americans go bankrupt each year as a result of medical costs.
- Amerians pay twice as much for medical care per person then the next highest country.
- Life expectancy in America is decreasing.
Reduce the wealth gap
Tax policies such as the Trump tax cuts, the Bush tax cuts and offshore tax havens along with economic policies such as NAFTA, an inadequate minimum wage and the weakening of unions have led to a tremendous increase in the wealth gap. People should be rewarded for their hard work but policies should not be designed to help grow the wealth of the wealthy at the expense of regular workers.
Tackle the student debt crisis
With a total student debt of $1.6 trillion and 10% of loans over 90 days of deliquency, we need to tackle this national issue. I propose buying up all student debt and charging 0% interest. This may seem like a radical idea but there has always been an understanding throughout history that too much indebtedness becomes a drag on a society. This idea is illustrated by the jubilee. Why should corporations profit on the backs of young graduates when we need them to participate and contribute to our economy. The return on this investment will be tremendous.
Reduce military spending
We currently spend around $1 trillion a year on the military which is more than the next 9 countries combined. We spend on unless wars. Eisenhower warned us about this. It's time to change our national priorities and transition to green technology contracts rather than military contracts.
Universal pre K and universal child care.
We know the importance of children's early years in their development. Early education is a great investment in the future of our country. It will allow duel income families to save on child care costs. It will allow single parents to work while knowing their children are taken care of. And lastly it will provide living wage work to a large number of child care givers.
Common Sense Gun Legislation
I support universal background checks and red flag laws. Why do we register cars for public safety but not guns. It is important that people who show signs that they could be a danger to others should not have easy access to guns.
Fairer elections
Rank choice voting will eliminate the need to choose between two candidates when you do not like either of their platforms. If your first choice loses, your second choice counts. If your first choice and second choice both lose, your third choice counts. This has already been done in Maine.
Protect whistleblowers and journalists
Whistleblowers and journalists should be protected from prosecution when they reveal unconstitutional or unlawful actions by our presidents, military or any other government institutions. Here is the story of Mike Gravel reading the Pentagon Papers into the congressional record. Daniel Ellsberg published the Pentagon Papers. Today Ellsberg is considered a hero. This story is similar to the case of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange today. Here is the video that Manning released that shows the crimes of military in Iraq.
Stay out of Venezuela
Venezuela has the largest estimated oil reserves in the world, even more than Saudi Arabia. It is clear why our government wants regime change in that country. I do not want Venezuelans to suffer because of oil companies' greed for natural resources. We need to end the sanctions on Venezuela and work with their government if there are any humanitarian issues in their country.